Judicial Inquiry System

Fri Apr 19, 2024 ...

Click here to reset your PASSWORD.
Click here to retrieve your USERNAME.


Please note that JIS accounts that have not been logged into over 6 months will be disabled. Please ensure you log in frequently to maintain an active account. Thanks for your cooperation.

Troubleshooting steps for login issues

If you are encountering login issues, please try the following steps:

1. Click on the “eye” icon, located to the right of the password field to ensure the correct password is being entered.
2. Ensure that your browser settings are not permitting the auto-filling of usernames/passwords
3. Clear your browser history by holding down Ctrl + Shift + Delete and select the time range you want to delete. Then close all browsers and enter the link https://jis.flcourts.org instead of using shortcuts, favorites, or bookmarks.
4. Try resetting your password by visiting the link under the login button. To avoid miskeying in a new password, we recommend temporarily typing your new password in a Word document, then copying and pasting it in the appropriate fields when resetting it and logging in after the reset. Ensure you are now entering 12 characters.
5. If issues persist, please contact jis_support@flcourts.org